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Welcome to my coaching website. Here I explain my services, my coaching philosophy and who I work with. If you’d like to book a free chemistry session with me, please contact me here.

Luke Menzies PCC, CPQC, CertPsychCoach

The life-changing Positive Intelligence programme

The life-changing Positive Intelligence programme

I am really excited to be launching the addition of the Positive Intelligence approach to my coaching work.

In this blog I will introduce you to the world of Positive Intelligence. In future blogs I will explore all that the Positive Intelligence (PQ) approach has to offer us.

This ground-breaking method of self-development and EQ development has been created by a leading figure in the global coaching world, Shirzad Charmine, based on the latest psychological and neuroscience research. As I complete my training as a PQ Certificed Coach, I am more and more convinced that its programme can be life-changing. I can vouch that, personally, it’s certainly been life-changing for me.

If this sounds too good to be true, or as if I’ve joined a cult, please keep an open mind! I am a fairly cynical person by nature and I wouldn’t be promoting something like this unless I was convinced that it can be life-changing, which I do believe it can be.

What is PQ?

PQ = positive intelligence quotient, which is the extent to which you are living your life regularly ‘hijacked’ by your inner saboteurs, who block you from taking risks and making changes, compared with the amount of time you are living in a positive frame of mind, where you are able to explore new ideas, take risks, allow yourself to connect in new ways and show your vulnerability without fear.

You can take the PQ Score test to see what your positive intelligence quotient has been in the last 24 hours. To find out how you personally tend to get hijacked by your inner saboteurs, also take the PQ Saboteurs test.

My new PQ webpage has lots more information on what PQ is and what it can do for you. I am licenced to provide the 6-week PQ programme to my clients, and I can offer more attractive pricing than the official PQ price on its main website.

Increase your emotional intelligence

The PQ method allows you to signifantly dial up your existing EQ (emotional intelligence).

If you think you already have a high EQ, I believe the PQ programme could double or treble your EQ. And if you may have a low EQ, the PQ programme will take you to a very high EQ in one fell swoop. (You’ve nothing to lose!)

Improve your performance

Because the PQ method focusses on bringing into the light all of your buried hang-ups, such as your excuses for avoiding tasks, fear of what others will think, fear of taking risks, etc., and then gives you the tools to expose these unhelpful negative thoughts for the nonsense they are, providing you with positiuve alternative ways of approaching things, you end up with powerful tools to signficantly improve your performance at work.

You may equally be able to radically improve how you are at home, with your family and in your other important relationships, and how you approach personal challenges or goals such as fitness, eating, sleeping and use of your leisure time, just to name a few areas.

Radically reduce stress

Since COVID, I have seen the internet and social media full of discussion and advice around well-being and stress management. This is a wonderful development, well over-due, and I hope that the key messages and knowledge here are something that become well-known to us all.

However, stress management and well-being advice only tends to address the symptoms of the stress we experience. It’s good, practical advice, but it can be like putting a sticking plaster on a gaping wound sometimes.

If you are experiencing a lot of stress, the answer is not merely to treat the symptoms (however useful that also is) but to tackle the underlying root causes of your stress. All of our stress comes from within our own minds. While it may feel challenging to realise it, your stess is always entirely self-manufactured, since it is your mental reaction to events that you perceive as hard, challenging, upsetting or risky.

Psychotherapists and clinical psychologists can help you to address your stress responses to these challenging external factors and help you to find strategies to prevent you from reacting to them in ways that currently show up as your stress symptoms. However, that often takes many months (or years) of therapy, and tends to cost a lot of money. Conversely, the PQ programme can start to deliver you some swift results in this area in just 6 weeks, thanks to its remarkable packaging of a great deal of coaching and psychology wisdom into easily understandable concepts and structure with regular daily practice.

This regular daily practice, done via the PQ app, is the key to its success and impact.

(I should add that I have had psychiatrists and psychotherapists on my PQ programme and they have shared this with me as their professional view of the benefits of the PQ method. This is not mere marketing guff!)

Improve your relationships

I and everyone else I know who has been on the PQ programme has noticed significant improvements in relationships with colleagues, partners, children, parents and others close to us, as a result of the new personal insight, self-command and increased empathy that PQ provides us.

I have noticed really significant improvements - even with my three challenging teenagers! - and would be happy to tell you more about what PQ can do for your relationships.

PQ 6-week programme

I am licenced to provide the 6-week PQ programme and would be delighted to tell you more about it. If you are interested, please read my new PQ webpage and then get in touch with me. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

I hope to see you in the PQ programme!

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